“Untitled (underneath the palm tree leaves where they can’t find us)” 30” x 40” Mixed media on canvas 2018

“Untitled (underneath the palm tree leaves where they can’t find us)” 30” x 40” Mixed media on canvas 2018

 “Untitled (paradise: liebe)” 30” x 40” Mixed media on canvas 2018

“Untitled (paradise: liebe)” 30” x 40” Mixed media on canvas 2018

 “Untitled (underneath the palm tree leaves where they can’t find us)” 30” x 40” Mixed media on canvas 2018
 “Untitled (paradise: liebe)” 30” x 40” Mixed media on canvas 2018

“Untitled (underneath the palm tree leaves where they can’t find us)” 30” x 40” Mixed media on canvas 2018

“Untitled (paradise: liebe)” 30” x 40” Mixed media on canvas 2018

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